Re: [Jack-Devel] Implement a driver as a writable client?

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DateSun, 15 May 2016 12:57:57 -0500
From Chris Caudle <[hidden] at chriscaudle dot org>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
In-Reply-ToPaul Davis Re: [Jack-Devel] Implement a driver as a writable client?
Follow-UpPaul Davis Re: [Jack-Devel] Implement a driver as a writable client?
On Sun, May 15, 2016 7:13 am, Paul Davis wrote:
> Drivers are in-process, not out-of-process like most clients.
> You could write two in-process clients. You could also write slave
> drivers, which are like backends but different in subtle ways.

I'm not sure why everyone is dancing around the obvious answer:  what the
original poster seems to want is a new backend.  Is that really difficult?
 It sounds like he wants something that is just very simple, tailored
exactly to the hardware he has, without some of the complexity that comes
along with ALSA.  Is that an unreasonable thing to work on?

Chris Caudle
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