Re: [Jack-Devel] New build of QJackCtl for Windows

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DateThu, 12 May 2016 08:22:59 +0200
From Hanspeter Portner <[hidden] at airpost dot net>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
In-Reply-Toaledez0 Re: [Jack-Devel] New build of QJackCtl for Windows
On 12.05.2016 06:27, aledez0 wrote:
> is there any way to list the connections by how there are in the project file
> instead of by alphabetical order?

YES (theoretically)

There is a way, by means of the metadata api [1] via the metadata key 
'' [2], but the trio of JACK client, 
server and patchbay must support this for it to work.

* the client sets the order of its ports via 'jack_set_property'
* the server stores the metadata in a database
* the patchbay reads the metadata to order ports accordingingly

NO (practically)

* only few clients and patchbays support this yet
* JACK1 implements the metadata API, JACK2 still does NOT

 > in mixbus 3 once you have named the tracks
> they don't show up in the connection window in the order they are in the
> project window.

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