[Jack-Devel] JackSharp and NAudio.Jack 0.1.0 released

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DateSat, 27 Feb 2016 13:29:12 +0100
From Thomas Mayer <[hidden] at residuum dot org>
To[hidden] at jackaudio dot org, [hidden] at lists dot linuxaudio dot org
Hello there,

I have just released JackSharp and NAudio.Jack 0.1.0.

JackSharp is a C# wrapper around the Jack API for .NET and Mono.

NAudio.Jack is a pair of implementations of IWavePlayer and IWaveIn to
use JackSharp with the .NET audio framework NAudio.

I have tested it on Windows 8.1 and Debian sid (i386 and amd64).

These are available on NuGet:

Development is done on Github:

Best regards,
"Ich komme aus dem Staunen nicht heraus."
"Dann bleib halt drin, du Seppel"
(Dietmar Dath - Die Abschaffung der Arten)
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