[Jack-Devel] JACK1 0.125.0rc1 now available

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DateTue, 23 Feb 2016 11:42:25 -0500
From Paul Davis <[hidden] at linuxaudiosystems dot com>
ToJACK <[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org>
Follow-UpTim E. Real Re: [Jack-Devel] JACK1 0.125.0rc1 now available
Follow-UpErik de Castro Lopo Re: [Jack-Devel] JACK1 0.125.0rc1 now available
There's a new release candidate of JACK1 now available. Because of the
magnitude of a couple of the changes, some wider testing would be
appreciated before 0.125.0 can be released.


(tagged in git as 0.125.0.rc1)

Changes since 0.124.1, in rough order of significance:

   * use topological sort when ordering clients. Previous sorting
implementation would
     generate incorrect ordering of clients in some (unusual, but not
uncommon) conditions.
   * in the alsa_midi slave driver, fix hotpug device enumeration. JACK1
will now respond
     to MIDI devices being connected and disconnected while running.
   * increase maximum size of a single JACK MIDI event to 64 bytes
   * in the alsa_midi slave driver, fix thread start/stop handling when
   * add support for jack_port_rename()
   * drop support for CPU cycle counting clock, use kernel clocksource
   * fix a double-fork that left zombie processes around
   * improve the validity and usability of the return value of
   * fix failing metadata look up by clearing UUID parsing buffer before use
   * support unescaped double quotes in $HOME/.jackdrc
   * fix memory leaks of metata key/value pairs
   * fix crash caused by incorrect jack_error() format string
   * remove option help from jackd and point user at documentation
   * fix problems with garbage keys in metadata
   * fix out-of-tree builds
   * update configure.ac to work with current-ish autotools with less errors
   * use gcc atomics and CLOCK_REALTIME for generic CPU builds
   * a handful of other minor bug fixes

Contributors: Hans-Peter Portner, Fons Adriaensen, Erik de Castro Lopo,
Filipe Coehlo, David Robillard, Adrian Knoth,  Dominic Sacré, Peter Nelson,
Rui Nuno Capela, Robin Gareus, Peter Nelson, Paul Davis
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