[Jack-Devel] jackd2 bus error on openwrt

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DateSun, 16 Aug 2015 09:40:18 +1000
From Matt Flax <[hidden] at flatmax dot org>
ToJack devel <[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org>
Follow-UpAdrian Knoth Re: [Jack-Devel] jackd2 bus error on openwrt
Hi there,

I am revisiting running jackd2 on openwrt using another ARM 
architecture. It is compiled from git commit 

When jack starts I still get bus error :
root@OpenWrt:/# jackd -v -d alsa
jackdmp 1.9.11
Bus error

I have tried to start with "-v" and see no extra information.

Not sure what to do next to debug, beyond hacking console outputs into 
the command line.

Anyone got any advice ?

p.s. jackd1 starts - no problem.
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