Re: [Jack-Devel] Calling jack_cycle_wait/jack_cycle_signal from a "third party" thread.

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DateMon, 10 Aug 2015 01:24:02 +0200
From Robin Gareus <[hidden] at gareus dot org>
To[hidden] at notam02 dot no
Cc"[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org" <[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org>
In-Reply-ToKjetil Matheussen [Jack-Devel] Calling jack_cycle_wait/jack_cycle_signal from a "third party" thread.
Follow-UpKjetil Matheussen Re: [Jack-Devel] Calling jack_cycle_wait/jack_cycle_signal from a "third party" thread.
On 08/08/2015 04:54 PM, Kjetil Matheussen wrote:
> I'm doing this as a workaround until I figure out why on earth
> the global exception handler on Windows isn't called when
> crashing in the jack thread. 

Uhm. take a step back.

If the jack realtime thread can throw exceptions or crash you lost already.

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