[Jack-Devel] jackd on low memory embedded systems

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DateSun, 19 Jul 2015 13:19:19 +1000
From Matt Flax <[hidden] at flatmax dot org>
ToDevelopers JACK <[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org>
Follow-UpAdrian Knoth Re: [Jack-Devel] jackd on low memory embedded systems
Hi there,

I am wanting to run jackd on low resourced/power embedded systems 
(running Linux).

When I run jackd on these systems it tries to lock down way to much 
memory ... much more then is available.

Is the amount of memory locked down by jackd configurable ? Or is it an 
operating system set thing ?

Does anyone have any constructive ideas or suggestions for running jackd 
on these low resource embedded systems ?

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