[Jack-Devel] Solving a problem with JACK

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DateTue, 05 May 2015 18:39:43 +0000
From Phil Rhodes <[hidden] at rocketmail dot com>
ToDevelopers JACK <[hidden] at jackaudio dot org>
Hi there,
Not sure if this is really a JACK question, but I'll ask it to find out.
I have a problem with an older piece of audio hardware (an M-Audio Projectmix) and a Windows 8 PC. The Windows 7 drivers partially work - ASIO works OK, but I can't get the normal Windows audio output to address the Projectmix properly. Applications will attempt playback, but nothing appears on the M-Audio software metering and no sound is heard. There aren't likely to be any further driver updates for this hardware.
One solution that occurs is to use a piece of software to create a virtual audio device that Windows could address successfully, and pipe the results to the ASIO driver.
Is that something JACK could do?
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