Re: [Jack-Devel] Avoiding spinlocks in a parallel sequencer

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DateThu, 09 Apr 2015 22:43:18 +0200
From Johannes Lorenz <[hidden] at mailueberfall dot de>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org

> So a part of the dependencies in the signal processing flow is only
> known to your sequencer, which leads to a situation where jack can not
> know, if all dependencies for running a certain client process function
> are satisfied?
> I personally would try to avoid that so that things will become easier,
> which means no need for ringbuffers (input and output buffers that
> depend on each other are passed together to the process function) and
> spinlocks (jack always calls the clients callback, if data is definitely
> available) for synchronization.

This was my first thought aswell. However, if you'll end up with 40 lfo generators that just compute f(x)=sin(x) (or even simpler), you'll have 40 additional threads that need to communicate with each other. I wonder if that is so good...
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