[Jack-Devel] netjack audio routing from smart OSs (IOS and Android)

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DateThu, 26 Mar 2015 22:20:22 +1100
From Matt Flax <[hidden] at flatmax dot org>
Tojack-devel <[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org>
Follow-UpChristian Schoenebeck Re: [Jack-Devel] netjack audio routing from smart OSs (IOS and Android)
Hi everyone,

I think it would be handy to have a transparent netjack audio device for 
IOS and Android.
The idea is that it would enable regular apps to stream audio to netjack 
servers rather then the Andoroid or IOS hardware.
What do you think ?

I have done some exploring for Android and also (just) asked Kim Jeong 
Yeon (the porter of Jack to Android) whether he knew anything - waiting 
for a response.

Here is what I have found for Android :
There is a MediaRouter class ...

      This flag ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO is relevant for searching the code.

I am not sure how to use it or how to interface to it ?
It is possible we can do it directly from JAVA or the C++ NDK.

Does anyone know or even know anyone who knows ?

Similar for IOS ... anyone know or know anyone who knows ?

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