Re: [Jack-Devel] Does Jack Server work in win8.1 x64?

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DateThu, 29 Jan 2015 08:54:01 -0700
From richtea <[hidden] at gmail dot com>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
In-Reply-ToMatthew Logan [Jack-Devel] Does Jack Server work in win8.1 x64?
Matthew Logan wrote
> I have a windows x64 console application that uses libjack64.lib and
> libjackserver64.lib in the linker input ( from Jack 1.9.9 x64 setup).  The
> application runs fine in Win 7.  Under Windows 8.1 the application
> triggers an exception in libjack64.dll  that occurs >>> BEFORE <<< any
> code in main() is run. 

I have the exact same issue, expect I'm only linking to libjack64.lib (not
the server) and am using 1.9.10.

I get a read access violation from something to do with
jack_ringbuffer_get_write_vector. Given it's before anything is called I'm
guessing it's during the dll load / symbol resolution?

Sorry I'm not being more helpful - I'm using the libraries from the
installer package so don't have debug symbols & my understanding of the
disassembler output is fairly non-existent.

This is an x64 project compiled with the VS 2013 compiler.
If I compile as 32 bit everything works, it's also fine in 64 bit on Windows

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