Re: [Jack-Devel] jack2 example clients, headers, tools

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DateTue, 30 Dec 2014 15:52:41 +0100
From Markus Seeber <[hidden] at spectralbird dot de>
ToPaul Davis <[hidden] at linuxaudiosystems dot com>
CcJACK <[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org>
In-Reply-ToPaul Davis Re: [Jack-Devel] jack2 example clients, headers, tools
> the example clients and tools folders can and should be identical.

Unfortunately, they are not.

The first thing I did was moving the "tools" out of the example clients
directory in jack2 [1]. The the tools seemed to be the lowest hanging
fruit on a source code level of the problem so let's see what files have

diff -q jack1/tools/ jack2/tools-jack2/ | sort

Files jack1/tools/alias.c and jack2/tools-jack2/alias.c differ
Files jack1/tools/alsa_in.c and jack2/tools-jack2/alsa_in.c differ
Files jack1/tools/alsa_out.c and jack2/tools-jack2/alsa_out.c differ
Files jack1/tools/bufsize.c and jack2/tools-jack2/bufsize.c differ
Files jack1/tools/connect.c and jack2/tools-jack2/connect.c differ
Files jack1/tools/evmon.c and jack2/tools-jack2/evmon.c differ
Files jack1/tools/freewheel.c and jack2/tools-jack2/freewheel.c differ
Files jack1/tools/ipload.c and jack2/tools-jack2/ipload.c differ
Files jack1/tools/ipunload.c and jack2/tools-jack2/ipunload.c differ
Files jack1/tools/lsp.c and jack2/tools-jack2/lsp.c differ
Files jack1/tools/midi_dump.c and jack2/tools-jack2/midi_dump.c differ
Files jack1/tools/monitor_client.c and
jack2/tools-jack2/monitor_client.c differ
Files jack1/tools/netsource.c and jack2/tools-jack2/netsource.c differ
Files jack1/tools/samplerate.c and jack2/tools-jack2/samplerate.c differ
Files jack1/tools/session_notify.c and
jack2/tools-jack2/session_notify.c differ
Files jack1/tools/transport.c and jack2/tools-jack2/transport.c differ
Files jack1/tools/tw.c and jack2/tools-jack2/tw.c differ
Files jack1/tools/wait.c and jack2/tools-jack2/wait.c differ
Only in jack1/tools/: .git
Only in jack1/tools/: .gitignore
Only in jack1/tools/: iodelay.c
Only in jack1/tools/: load_test.c
Only in jack1/tools/:
Only in jack1/tools/: property.c
Only in jack1/tools/: zalsa
Only in jack2/tools-jack2/: wscript

A lot of differences, I also attached a full diff [2] showing that the
files have diverged quite a bit. (many "trivial" changes but also stuff
which looks more complicated)

I also checked the API files [3][4]. The situation here looks a bit
better, most of the changes just seem to be about formatting.
The remaining example_clients [5][6] also have differences that have to
be reviewed and jack2 has some additional examples.

So basically quite some work to do on both projects.

But how to tackle this?

(1) Going through the diffs and the history and try to submit patches to
both projects to make them converge. Include the shared repos in jack2
when they have converged far enough.
+ no repository changes needed yet
+ simple infrastructure
- low awareness of the issue, a shared repo shows, that there is a
conses needed, separated repos don't empathize this.

(2) Integrating a shared repo as soon as possible and create temporary
branches for each project. These branches are going to be merged.
+ high awareness for developers, that the sources are supposed to be shared
- complicated infrastructure
- the fact that the sources are still different is hidden. People see
one repository but the truth is, that the branches may be very different.

What are the priorities? The headers first or the example clients?

[2] tools.diff.gz
[3] files_api.diff
[4] api.diff.gz
[5] example_clients_files.diff
[6] example_clients.diff.gz

* Attachment: 'tools.diff.gz'
content-type: application/gzip
* Attachment: 'files_api.diff'
content-type: text/x-patch
* Attachment: 'api.diff.gz'
content-type: application/gzip
* Attachment: 'example_clients_files.diff'
content-type: text/x-patch
* Attachment: 'example_clients.diff.gz'
content-type: application/gzip
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