Re: [Jack-Devel] Does Jack Server work in win8.1 x64?

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DateFri, 19 Sep 2014 09:54:01 +0100
From John Emmas <[hidden] at tiscali dot co dot uk>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
In-Reply-ToMatthew Logan [Jack-Devel] Does Jack Server work in win8.1 x64?
Follow-UpJohn Emmas Re: [Jack-Devel] Does Jack Server work in win8.1 x64?
On 18/09/2014 17:23, Matthew Logan wrote:
> I have a windows x64 console application that uses libjack64.lib and 
> libjackserver64.lib in the linker input ( from Jack 1.9.9 x64 setup).  
> The application runs fine in Win 7.  Under Windows 8.1 the application 
> triggers an exception in libjack64.dll  that occurs >>> BEFORE <<< any 
> code in main() is run.  This suggests some kind of bug that is 
> sensitive to the environment on Win 8.1

Our application (Mixbus) makes extensive use of Jack on Windows. From 
memory I think Jack's at about ver  Without digging deeper I 
can't be absolutely certain because Jack doesn't display its version 
number in Control Panel.

Mixbus works fine for me in Windows 8.1 - albeit that I only have Win32 
available for testing.  However, we literally have thousands of Mixbus 
users on Windows so there's a pretty good chance that some of them must 
be running Win8.1 / 64-bit.  We haven't had any specific complaints 
about Jack AFAICR.

One issue we did have (in the early days of Win8.1) was a problem 
understanding folder permissions.  e.g. a folder would look like a 
particular user had (say) 'read' and 'execute' permission - but this was 
getting over-ridden because some higher level folder only had 'read' 
permission.  In other words, the folder permissions in Win8.1 seem to be 
cumulative (which doesn't happen in previous versions of Windows AFAIK).

Matthew - is there a way you can run your application as an 
Administrator?  That might help you figure out if there's a permissions 

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