Re: [Jack-Devel] Does Jack Server work in win8.1 x64?

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DateThu, 18 Sep 2014 22:52:34 -0500
From Matthew Logan <[hidden] at kskelectrics dot com>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
In-Reply-ToMatthew Logan [Jack-Devel] Does Jack Server work in win8.1 x64?
Follow-UpStéphane Letz Re: [Jack-Devel] Does Jack Server work in win8.1 x64?
Tried it with 1.9.10 – same issue.  I am preparing to build jack myself to resolve the issue since I don’t see any help coming.  Where is the best guide for building JACK?


From: Jack-Devel [mailto:[hidden]] On Behalf Of Matthew Logan
Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2014 11:24 AM
To: [hidden]
Subject: [Jack-Devel] Does Jack Server work in win8.1 x64?


I have a windows x64 console application that uses libjack64.lib and libjackserver64.lib in the linker input ( from Jack 1.9.9 x64 setup).  The application runs fine in Win 7.  Under Windows 8.1 the application triggers an exception in libjack64.dll  that occurs >>> BEFORE <<< any code in main() is run.  This suggests some kind of bug that is sensitive to the environment on Win 8.1  


What are the proper library includes and settings to ensure jack 1.9.9 runs on Windows 8.1?




From: Jack-Devel [mailto:[hidden]] On Behalf Of Stefan Rinaß
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2014 12:11 PM
To: [hidden]
Subject: [Jack-Devel] JackD Issues "Checksize errors"


Dwar Members

i suppose this is not the "right" place to talk about my issue, but as it seems to be a "rather new one",
i'd like to place it here.

i am using JackD 1.9.10 in combination with Ardour 3.5.357 and two Hoontech DSP2000/DC-DAC2000 cards (ICE1712 Chipset) merged with a custom .asoundrc, on Ubuntu Studio 12.04 with Kernel 3.14.04. After running Ardour / JackD for a couple of minutes JackD throws a large amount of the following errors  (until it shuts down by itself, usually somewhere between one hour or so). The audio functionality itself is ok.

Unknown request 0
CheckSize error size = -1 Size() = 4
CheckRead error
CheckSize error size = 0 Size() = 12
CheckRead error
CheckSize error size = 32 Size() = 12
CheckRead error
CheckSize error size = -1 Size() = 4
CheckRead error
CheckSize error size = 0 Size() = 12
CheckRead error
CheckSize error size = 32 Size() = 12
CheckRead error
CheckSize error size = -1 Size() = 4
CheckRead error
CheckSize error size = 0 Size() = 12
CheckRead error
CheckSize error size = 32 Size() = 12
CheckRead error
CheckSize error size = -1 Size() = 4
CheckRead error
CheckSize error size = 0 Size() = 12
CheckRead error
CheckSize error size = 32 Size() = 12
CheckRead error
CheckSize error size = -1 Size() = 4
CheckRead error
CheckSize error size = 0 Size() = 12
CheckRead error
CheckSize error size = 32 Size() = 12
CheckRead error
CheckSize error size = -1 Size() = 4
CheckRead error
CheckSize error size = 0 Size() = 12
CheckRead error
CheckSize error size = -1 Size() = 4
CheckRead error
CheckSize error size = 0 Size() = 12
CheckRead error
CheckSize error size = 32 Size() = 12
CheckRead error
CheckSize error size = -1 Size() = 4
CheckRead error
CheckSize error size = 0 Size() = 12
CheckRead error
CheckSize error size = 32 Size() = 12
CheckRead error
CheckSize error size = -1 Size() = 4
CheckRead error
CheckSize error size = 0 Size() = 12
CheckRead error
Unknown request -1
jackd: ../common/JackGraphManager.cpp:44: void Jack::JackGraphManager::AssertPort(jack_port_id_t): Assertion `port_index < fPortMax' failed.

Choosing different sampling rates between 44.1K up to 96K makes no difference, even not increasing/decrease periods/buffer size on JackD, or sync one card to the other one via SP/DIF (which i usually do). I had this issue on different hardware platforms (on an "old" Phenom 9850 Quad-Core and actually on a Intel Q6600 Quad-Core running at Standard frequency, not overclocked). Playing around with the CPU governor has also no effect.

I cannot figure out the cause of this error, no matter what i try :(

Kind regards 
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