[Jack-Devel] Sample rate reports incorrectly

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DateThu, 21 Aug 2014 13:13:47 +1000
From Matt Flax <[hidden] at flatmax dot org>
ToDevelopers JACK <[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org>
Follow-UpPaul Davis Re: [Jack-Devel] Sample rate reports incorrectly
Hi there,

I have an alsa driver which has a sample rate of 18750 Hz.
There are stereo 16 bit words, which means that the I2S bit clock rate 
is 600 kHz.
I have attached an image of the I2S bus which shows the bit clock rate 
is 600 kHz and also shows the LR clock line.

This proves to me that the ALSA samplerate is correct at 18750 Hz.
However when I ask Jack for the sample rate, it reports :

# jack_samplerate

Here is how I start Jack :
jackd -d alsa -s -i 2 -o 2 -r 18750

I am wondering if anyone is aware of this problem ?


* Attachment: 'I2S.clocks.18750Hz.png'
content-type: image/png
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