Re: [Jack-Devel] filtering for jack net clients

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DateWed, 23 Jul 2014 20:26:07 +0200
From Adrian Knoth <[hidden] at drcomp dot erfurt dot thur dot de>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
In-Reply-ToMatt Flax Re: [Jack-Devel] filtering for jack net clients
Follow-UpMatt Flax Re: [Jack-Devel] filtering for jack net clients
On 07/22/14 03:21, Matt Flax wrote:

> Here is the problem. We have a jack server running on a remote
> computer. It is running some form of netjack. My computer running a
> netjack driver connects to it and wants to play or acquire audio. It
> can't because the ports aren't connected to anything. A solution to
> this problem is to run a client for port monitoring on the remote
> computer which autoconnects netjack clients.
> Are there other solutions ?

Yes. Jan Middelkoop was facing the same problem when he set up his
jackd-based radio station.

IIRC, he simply sshed into the remote machine (use keylogins for that)
and ran jack_connect from a script. Since the ports were already
known in advance, this wasn't too hard to do.

If your port names are dynamic, either try to make them static (you have
the source, right?) or parse the output of jack_lsp to match the correct

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