Re: [Jack-Devel] Hook for master volume

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DateSun, 13 Jul 2014 16:15:37 +0200
From Christian Schoenebeck <[hidden] at crudebyte dot com>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
In-Reply-ToHolger Marzen [Jack-Devel] Hook for master volume
On Sunday 13 July 2014 15:05:09 Holger Marzen wrote:
> a master volume fader is missing in JACK. Some audio interfaces don't
> offer a volume knob. Many clients automatically connect to
> system/playback, some only when playing (Clementine audio player).

I patched JACK2, extended API and command line tools to allow easily 
controlling volume per port, which I find very handy. However IIRC it was 
criticized of breaking the generalized design concept of JACK.

Another extension I find very handy is integrated peak measurement per port 
upon on request (that is can be switched on/off for performance reasons).

Those two things being supported i.e. in qjackctl would make connection setups 
much more convenient. Because you can i.e. immediately *see* "here is a 
signal, there not" and you wouldn't have to deal with a separate application 
just for trivial mixing tasks.

Best regards,
Christian Schoenebeck
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