[Jack-Devel] jack and linux chroot on android

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DateWed, 02 Jul 2014 17:37:35 +0200
From Renato <[hidden] at gmail dot com>
ToJack-Devel <[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org>
Follow-UpPatrick Shirkey Re: [Jack-Devel] jack and linux chroot on android
Follow-UpDan MacDonald Re: [Jack-Devel] jack and linux chroot on android
Hello, I was reading about the possibility of running linux
(for ARM architecture) alongside android on phones and tablets, by
creating a chroot environment and using a VNC server on linux and a
client for android to view the desktop. Many people have done this
and it seems fairly straightforward, though still enough of a hassle
to ask beforehand if what I want to do will work: will jack run? 

I really don't care about low latency as I would just use it to have
hydrogen on my tablet (coming to think about it, hydrogen runs on ALSA
also, but oh well it would be nice to run some other stuff also).

I guess there may be a problem with ALSA not having drivers for the
tablet's sound card? If that were the problem, installing linux as a
dual boot instead of chroot would not help, right?

Partially unrelated to my question, I've read this article the other day
of the upcoming improvements in Android 5.0 audio:


"With Android 5.0 comes Audio patch-panel that ensure significantly
lower input-latency (~20ms) which is not perfect but very usable.
Output latency and whole audio processing is also accelerated to reduce
significantly, to enable Real-time audio for the first time"

so will this change the situation? Will we be able to run jack and jack
apps on android?

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