Re: [Jack-Devel] New Website Help: Graphics etc

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DateSun, 29 Jun 2014 10:23:24 +0200
From Markus Seeber <[hidden] at spectralbird dot de>
To[hidden] at eagleeyet dot net
CcJACK <[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org>
In-Reply-ToJonathan Aquilina Re: [Jack-Devel] New Website Help: Graphics etc
Follow-UpJonathan Aquilina Re: [Jack-Devel] New Website Help: Graphics etc
Follow-UpLieven Moors Re: [Jack-Devel] New Website Help: Graphics etc
On 06/29/2014 10:02 AM, Jonathan Aquilina wrote:
> Hey Markus what exactly is the issue with the downloads. What are you
> wanting to achieve in the end.

Basically, I'd like to keep the deployment of the page, as easy as
possible. (preferably a git clone and done)

Since they are linked in the page, the download files are basically tied
to the repository. On the other hand, adding binary files of this size
to a git repository is a bad idea.

Also, in the current state, adding downloadable files requires several
actions for the one hosting the page:
1. Uploadng the File to the webserver
2. Modifying the Download page and rebuild the page with jekyll
3. Check the links on the page and back to step 2 if something went wrong.
4. Commit push the changed download page to the GitHub repository (for
consistency )

Another problem here is, that the downloadable files are only set up by
the one hosting the page, so they are outside of teh scope of
configuration management, meaning you can't host the site, unless you
have the downloadable files, or to make it short: they are not backed up.

Setting up another repo for just the binary files and including it as a
submodule may be a solution. Then again you'd still need to run jekyll
once, before you can deploy, so teh files get copied over into _site .

But I guess I'm already thinking in too difficult ways... ;-)
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