Re: [Jack-Devel] Place for bug reporting

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DateThu, 05 Jun 2014 09:45:28 +0200
From Leonardo Gabrielli <[hidden] at univpm dot it>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
> I do not believe that it's clock drift. I have two master clock sides. I
> just send UDP buffers to ethernet on sender side. On receiver side I
> just check availability of data with zero timeout (and read to buffer if
> present) and copy data to out from jitter buffer, also I check for
> jitter buffer overflow, so, as I understand, clock drift is not key for
> my situation. Yes, I currently make sound worse (if my jitter underflow
> or overflow), but I will fix it for next step using voice detector and
> expanding jitter-buffer functions.
If I may add something to Adrian's answer, you could verify that the 
system goes crazy (you said it takes all CPU and it does not respond) 
exactly when your "jitter buffer" goes overrun or underrun. You said you 
check for overflow, check also for underflow and in that case report it 
by adding some debug cout/printf. If your system goes crazy right after 
that point it means you probably don't manage gracefully the 
overflow/underflow condition. And probably your system does not respond 
because of a domino effect (lots of XRUN print on console, etc.). An ARM 
@720MHz can handle Jack and audio processes but when something bad 
happens youmay risk these domino effects.

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