Re: [Jack-Devel] website shut down due to hacking

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DateFri, 30 May 2014 23:57:20 +0200
From Adrian Knoth <[hidden] at drcomp dot erfurt dot thur dot de>
ToRobin Gareus <[hidden] at gareus dot org>
CcJACK <[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org>
In-Reply-ToRobin Gareus Re: [Jack-Devel] website shut down due to hacking
Follow-UpMarkus Seeber Re: [Jack-Devel] website shut down due to hacking
On 05/30/14 19:34, Robin Gareus wrote:

>> If someone else wants to volunteer to resurrect the roughly 60 pages
>> of content that were at (and realistically, it is
>> probably more like 20 of real stuff that is needed), get in touch. I
>> can give you full access to everything you will need.

> last time this happened, Adi and I began moving the content to
> Back then, we started from an old mysql dump (because mysql + drupal was
> broken). Then mysql+drupal was fixed before we've completed the process
> and the site was never fully migrated to github-pages. Yet most of it is
> already in the wiki there.
> github pages are far from the non plus ultra, but they certainly suffice
> for the site. It's all in git and from our POV the
> infrastructure maintains itself.
> Unless someone comes up with a better idea, I suggests to resume the
> migration to gh-pages.

Well, (a.k.a. "the wiki") is still up. OTOH, having
everything on github doesn't sound too bad either.

Anyway, for the time being, I've generated the API reference (doxygen)
and pushed it to

This URL is also linked from jackaudio's wiki frontpage on github.

If we (or the volunteer(s)) decide to go the GH page route (I'm totally
down for that), all we have to do is to push another file and switch the

I also second your suggestion: if nobody else steps up with a better
idea, we move the remaining bits to github. This also encourages
collaboration, if any. ;)

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