[Jack-Devel] Effects of increasing "-p, --period"

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DateSat, 19 Apr 2014 22:19:51 +0200
From Holger Marzen <[hidden] at marzen dot de>
To[hidden] at jackaudio dot org
Follow-UpRobin Gareus Re: [Jack-Devel] Effects of increasing "-p, --period"
Hi all,

I have a Qtractor project with many tracks and many instances of CPU
hogs like Klangfalter (convolver reverb) and CALF compressor.
To decrease realtime load and avoid xruns I had to increase the period
size to 512.

I know that this will increase end-to-end latency, but that would'n be a
problem in my case. What I don't have understood yet: does this
intruduce some more latency to
- plugins (LV2, LADSPA) running inside a DAW like Ardour, Qtractor or
- jack clients like plugin hosts or other sound processing stuff?

The man page says "Specify the number of frames between JACK process()
calls." So if plugins and jack clients only get their data as complete
chunks after a process() call they would suffer as well from an
increased latency.

Do they?
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