Re: [Jack-Devel] low latency . what does it mean? how is it achieved?

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DateThu, 17 Apr 2014 15:22:10 +0300
From Nedko Arnaudov <[hidden] at arnaudov dot name>
ToAthanasios Silis <[hidden] at gmail dot com>
CcDevelopers JACK <[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org>
In-Reply-ToAthanasios Silis Re: [Jack-Devel] low latency . what does it mean? how is it achieved?
Athanasios Silis <[hidden]> writes:

> I don't see you saying anywhere that I cannot run the ac97 with a small
> buffer size, though! :)
> So If I use a preemptive kernel in linux (such as the one that is found in
> ubuntu studio) and set the buffer size to something in the order of 64/128
> samples , it should work flawlessly ??

Back in 2007, i tried to run jack on intel-hda. A simple usage (without
software DSP) worked with occasional xruns when using the minimum
allowed number of samples per buffer (8 or 16, i'm not sure) and two
buffers, and without xruns when using the next size (16 or 32).
Back then I used a -rt kernel and IIRC the version was either 2.6.17 or

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