[Jack-Devel] Sending audio data over the network help

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DateFri, 04 Apr 2014 19:43:56 -0400
From Jared Swets <[hidden] at gmail dot com>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
Follow-UpChris Caudle Re: [Jack-Devel] Sending audio data over the network help

I am having tons of issues understanding jack, the documentation seems
sparse and I was hoping for some clarification.

I am looking for an application to do the following:

Send audio data (mic and headphone data) from 1 windows PC to another
windows PC on the same network (off the same switch).  I am unsure if
Jack can do this, but was attempting to follow the directions from
this set of directions:

I am running the following commands (as administrator):

jackd.exe -R -S -d portaudio -r 32000
-r = rate (at or over 44100 causes sync isues apparently, even with -M
9000 on the client set)

jack_load.exe netmanager -i "-a -p 18000"
(have to set IP/Port manually, otherwise it apparently conflicts with
something as it errors out)


jackd.exe -R -d net -a -p 18000

At this point, I launch jack control on the server, and I see the
client listed there in the connections window.

In the connections window, I connect the System capture_1 (which I
assume is my microphone or headphones, either way I just want to test)
to the Client to_slave_1.  However, nothing seems to be send to the
client desktop speakers/headphones... how do I proceed?

Thank you.
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