[Jack-Devel] list all JACK2 devices

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DateTue, 25 Mar 2014 12:24:52 +0000
From Dan MacDonald <[hidden] at gmail dot com>
Tojack-devel <[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org>
Excuse me if I've asked this before on this list, I don't think I have, but
I could have tried before and forgot or just got no reply last time.

I recently created a little script to simplify the process of switching
between JACK2 output devices called j2ds:


The problem is that it currently only supports ALSA devices because I don't
know the command to get JACK2 to output a list of all currently connected
ALSA, FFADO and other devices.

Does such a command exist? If not, whats the command to list all currently
connected FFADO devices, pref. in a format that J2 can readily parse?


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