Re: [Jack-Devel] metadata

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DateSun, 23 Mar 2014 12:03:34 +0100
From Adrian Knoth <[hidden] at drcomp dot erfurt dot thur dot de>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
In-Reply-ToGuido Budack [Jack-Devel] metadata
Follow-UpGuido Budack Re: [Jack-Devel] metadata
Follow-UpGuido Budack Re: [Jack-Devel] metadata
On Sun, Mar 23, 2014 at 01:41:09PM +0800, Guido Budack wrote:

> and I want to read out the audio-metadata of momentarily played tracks
> in realtime to compare it against a SQL-database.  The aim is to fill
> up and/or update a table with 'most played' audio-tracks.

> I'm using the following free tools/ software:
> Mixx (and others)-> Jack <-> Ardour -> icecast

Once you've handed over the audio to jack, there's no metadata anymore,
just pure audio samples.

That said, your only chance to get any information about what's played
is right at the beginning of your chain. So ask mixxx to dump the meta
data to a file.

Since this is the jack-devel mailing list and not mixxx-devel, I cannot
tell you where to click/script in mixxx. Some ten years ago, the usual
media players of that time (xmms, winamp) where able to pipe the meta
data to a socket or file. It was common praxis on IRC and other instant
messengers to have a "now playing" command/status. There's still a
pidgin plugin for this that reads meta data from such a file/socket and
shows it as your status. Have a look, I'm sure it could serve as a
starting point to hack something for mixxx.


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