Re: [Jack-Devel] Bug#728710: jackd2: Bus error w/ POST_PACKED_STRUCTURE on powerpc G4 32bit

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DateSat, 22 Mar 2014 11:17:05 +0200
From Nedko Arnaudov <[hidden] at arnaudov dot name>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
Follow-UpJohn Emmas Re: [Jack-Devel] Bug#728710: jackd2: Bus error w/ POST_PACKED_STRUCTURE on powerpc G4 32bit
Robin Gareus <[hidden]> writes:
> But going by compiler defines alone is tricky (OSX for example allows
> multi-arch builds, even though osx <= 10.5 PPC users are rare these
> days). This should be really be set/auto-detected during waf configure.

The jack source code should not force packing that violates alignment
constraints that are stated in C (and C++ too I guess)
standard. I.e. accessing variable of size N must be done only through
pointer aligned to N. Default struct composition ensures this. If
forced packing is done because of memory shared with process running in
different model, padding that ensures the above rule must be done too.
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