Re: [Jack-Devel] Using Jack

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DateThu, 20 Mar 2014 20:10:52 -0400
From Paul Davis <[hidden] at linuxaudiosystems dot com>
ToYves Perron <[hidden] at gmail dot com>
CcJACK <[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org>
In-Reply-ToYves Perron Re: [Jack-Devel] Using Jack
Follow-UpYves Perron Re: [Jack-Devel] Using Jack
On Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 7:51 PM, Yves Perron <[hidden]> wrote:

> *Hi Paul, I can feel hope here! **J*
> He wants to generate audio too. Since JACK does both (and with a fairly
> similar API) you can see the appeal.
> However, the added complexity of the server/client architecture make this
> somewhat inappropriate in my opinion. Not stupid, but probably not the
> right approach (at least on Windows).
> I'm interested in the client/server features in and I don't mind going
> that road.
> I'm a little surprised that the focus of attention is whether or not I
> need Jack... rather than the original question. I still don't have any clue
> if I can use Jack SDK to start a server programmatically without external
> dependency other than the Jack libraries.

As has been mentioned already, the Windows version of JACK uses the same
system that was created for POSIX systems to enable autostart. This system
is what Ardour and Mixbus both use: write the command to $HOME/.jackdrc and
when jack_client_open() is called, if there is no server, one will be
created using the command given in that file.

Of course, the format of the file is different for jack2 than for jack1,
but since jack1 doesn't run on windows, no problem: one component of the
command per line. QJackctl also creates this file to store the last
configuration in. You could get the command correct using QJackctl and then
just re-use the file contents in the future.

What you are trying to do is unconventional, and not intended to be easy,
nor is it documented or planned for use by random developers. There are
ways to make it work, but as I've tried to make it clear, you are really on
your own trying to accomplish this. The facilities for starting the JACK
server from within a client are a mostly hidden element of the API and
intended for people writing control applications NOT for people who wish to
focus on a normal client.

This is why we are focusing on this. You are not only using JACK on the
least-used-with-JACK platform, but wanting to do something quite
unconventional, when in fact all of your goals could be achieved without
dealing with JACK at all.
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