Re: [Jack-Devel] Using Jack

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DateSun, 09 Mar 2014 10:25:48 +0100
From Stéphane Letz <[hidden] at grame dot fr>
ToYves Perron <[hidden] at gmail dot com>
Cc[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
In-Reply-ToYves Perron [Jack-Devel] Using Jack
You can use the so called "control API" to do that (see control.h public header file).

The "jackd" server is started this way and you can see the code in Jackdmp.cpp file.

Note that having your own application starts the server itself breaks a bit the JACK model, since usually "jackd" is supposed to be started outside off any concrete application, so that closing your application would not "disturb" the whole setup….

What is your typical use case?


Le 8 mars 2014 ࠲0:17, Yves Perron <[hidden]> a 飲it :

> Greetings,
> I’m looking to implement Jack client/server functionalities inside my application on Windows 8.1 x64.
> I actually manage to make it work by installing Jack 1.9.9 and starting qjackctl.exe as a server. My app connect to it and it works fine.
> Now, the ideal scenario would to use my app as being a Jack server without having the need for any prior Jack installation at all.
> If it is in fact doable,  could anyone point me where to start?
> Thanks,
> Jack-Devel mailing list
> [hidden]
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