[Jack-Devel] Win64: Multiple Clients from a single process

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DateMon, 03 Mar 2014 16:12:30 -0600
From Matthew Logan <[hidden] at kskelectrics dot com>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
Follow-UpStéphane Letz Re: [Jack-Devel] Win64: Multiple Clients from a single process

I am working on a Win64 Console application (recently ported from Ubuntu)
that creates multiple JACK clients (Effect DSP) running under a single
process.    Everything worked fine under Ubuntu, but the same code will only
run one client smoothly in Win64.  A few cycles after I create a second
client, I start getting graph processing errors that indicate the second
client was triggered but did not complete.  There is no system
synchronization (mutexes, critical sections) in the code running as a

I am using an ASIO4ALL device through PortAudio.

Even when the only task each client performs is a copy from the input buffer
to the output, I still get the error.

Increasing the buffer sizes on my audio card does not solve the problem.

Running JackCtrl and making the connections by hand works fine on the same

Is there some limitation on the number of JACK clients that can be run from
a single process ?

=Matthew Logan
  "Something wonderful is going to happen....."
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