Re: [Jack-Devel] half bitrate double speed playback

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DateTue, 25 Feb 2014 09:54:56 -0600
From Chris Caudle <[hidden] at chriscaudle dot org>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
In-Reply-ToMario Premke Re: [Jack-Devel] half bitrate double speed playback
On Tue, February 25, 2014 6:44 am, Mario Premke wrote:
> The documentation states both -srate and -af have to be present .. I am
> not quiet sure, that I understand this: what is the srate argument on
> its own standing for? It should imply the resampling, or not?

For those kind of details you will need to go to the mplayer list.  I at
least don't know the answer.

Chris Caudle
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