Re: [Jack-Devel] Bluez with JACK?

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DateWed, 19 Feb 2014 20:05:29 +0100
From Holger Marzen <[hidden] at marzen dot de>
ToJACK <[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org>
Hi Patrick,

I found your mail in the archive:

> Hi,
> I have some possible commercial interest for adding support for the
> bluez API/Protocol/Stack directly to JACK.
> -
> Apart from giving direct access to bluetooth devices for i/o it would
> also allow for controlling JACK transport using handsfree or remote
> bluetooth devices and I'm sure there are other technological/artistic
> benefits too.
> There are two ways that I can see to go about this process.
> 1: Leverage and further integrate PulseAudio support
> 2: Add direct support for bluez to JACK
> Does anyone have any technical concerns or feedback/suggestions on this
> topic? 

I am trying to use a Philips Bluetooth adapter with JACK. Still no luck.
But why do you want to implement JACK functionality in bluez? Wouldn't
it be best to improve bluez and/or JACK so JACK can use a Bluetooth ALSA
device like any other ALSA device?

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