Re: [Jack-Devel] problems MIDI patchbay

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DateSat, 08 Feb 2014 08:32:26 -0500
From David Santamauro <[hidden] at gmail dot com>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
In-Reply-ToNicola Di Vito [Jack-Devel] problems MIDI patchbay
Follow-UpChad Hastings Re: [Jack-Devel] problems MIDI patchbay
On 02/08/2014 05:54 AM, Nicola Di Vito wrote:
> I am a beginner in this matter. I am using Jack audio connection kit on
> Windows 8.1. While in audio patchbay everything go fine, in MIDI
> patchbay doesn't appear no name of application-client when I add a new
> plug-in, otherwise from audio patchbay (where appear the name of the
> application)but only “System_midi”. I have added, following your
> instructions, in Settings, in the field of server prefix the suffix: <-X
> winmme>; the drivers I use is “portaudio”. So, if I try to connect for
> instance the system_midi output with the system_midi intput, sending
> Finale playng a MIDI stream to Pro Tools as recorder in a midi track,
> nothing happen.What could I do?
> Thanks niky

I can't comment on the patchbay naming, sorry. As for routing, it sounds 
like you are trying to route a hardware midi out to a hardware midi in. 
That won't work.

You need virtual midi interfaces/cables [1][2]. LoopBe has a free 
version (1 input/output) and there is a version allowing, I believe, 30 
virtual cables.

I use LoopBe30, cost ~ 20 US $ / 17€ and works like a charm.

With all those unnamed cables, patches and routes, you will surely need 
a midi monitor of sorts [3]. This will help you diagnose missing 
connections, etc.

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