[Jack-Devel] howto: jackdbus && jack_control

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DateTue, 28 Jan 2014 11:30:41 -0600
From franklyn berry <[hidden] at mindspring dot com>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
Follow-UpAdrian Knoth Re: [Jack-Devel] howto: jackdbus && jack_control
Follow-UpAdrian Knoth Bug#728710: [Jack-Devel] howto: jackdbus && jack_control
<powerpc: ubuntu 12.04; opus-1.1; jack-; ffado-2.1>

I can start 'jackdbus' manually with the 'auto' parameter, and it reliably reports
'no message buffer overruns" 3 times, and sits awaiting input. The ./log/jack/jackdbus.log
files confirms this start, reporting its driver settings and "Listening"...; 
but 'jack_control status' shows  status is 'stopped' -- even while the log and input 
buffer confirm otherwise.

Any attempt to attach a client <e.g. 'jack_control start'> bus errors and core dumps 
jackdbus immediately; with no subsequent report to the jackdbus.log. 

The client exits with this dbus error:
    DBus exception: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: 
    Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)

Is there some parameter I can define in the source that will turn on more aggressive reporting
in the log file? 

I have used dbus-monitor to verify that jackdbus and jack_control have each registered with dbus,
and seem to have specified their respective methods. Some sort of transaction ID, e.g. 1.874816
for jackdbus and 1.874817 for jack_control have been assigned. I'm aware of 'tools' that can 
help me verify whether dbus isn't calling the proper method,  but am still hunting. Advice
sought. it seems like jack_control must not be receiving its callbacks from dbus, or the
callbacks are specifying the wrong method, somehow. Just a guess.

I've searched through jackdbus.c and .h and not found anything helpful. I've only set a minimum
set of parameters using jack_control, mostly driver params. I've tried 'dummy' driver as well
as 'firewire'.

I've also tried other clients <alsa_in, jack_test, etc> , with the same results: 'no server
running' unless I start jackdbus by hand; and core dump at execution, with subsequent 'no
server' reporting by any surviving client.

The only jack_control documentation I can find is the wiki:
which is just a copy of the help file.

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