Re: [Jack-Devel] 'connect' vs 'patchbay' and the problems of everything not working as expected..........

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DateMon, 27 Jan 2014 08:43:28 +1300
From Eliot Blennerhassett <[hidden] at blennerhassett dot gen dot nz>
To[hidden] at jackaudio dot org
In-Reply-ToBrian Sweetnam [Jack-Devel] 'connect' vs 'patchbay' and the problems of everything not working as expected..........
> I did this and set up all the connections in Patchbay, saved everything,
> and activated Patchbay persistence.
> But it is not working.  When I start up everything, the connections are
> still being made in “connect”, even though the configuration is
> ‘activated’ in Patchbay.
> Is this a bug, or am I missing something.

The connect pane will always show all the connections, whether made
directly or by another app.

You can think of patchbay as a set of rules for what to connect based on
app and port names.  If the rule applies then the connection is made,
and shows up in the connect view.
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