Re: [Jack-Devel] Jack for windows : ASIO Driver compatiblity

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DateTue, 14 Jan 2014 15:38:30 +0100
From Jean Ibarz <[hidden] at gmail dot com>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
Follow-UpChris Caudle Re: [Jack-Devel] Jack for windows : ASIO Driver compatiblity
> Message: 5
> Date: Wed, 08 Jan 2014 22:21:10 +0100
> From: Peter Ginneberge <[hidden]>
> To: [hidden]
> Subject: Re: [Jack-Devel] Jack for windows : ASIO Driver compatiblity
> Message-ID: <[hidden]>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
>  > Furthermore, ASIO4ALL doesn't show the JackRouter in the soundcard
> list too.
> You should try the other way around, select ASIO4ALL as the "interface"
> in Jack control. Note however that using ASIO4ALL will "lock down" your
> soundcard (exclusive mode), meaning you won't be able to use any device
> that doesn't support ASIO while ASIO4ALL is active.
>  > - foobar with ASIO plugin (driver JackRouter is listed but when
>  > trying to play a song the software cannot use correctly the driver)
> Never tried Foobar, so no idea what the problem might be. I know for
> instance that Traktor requires a minimum of 256 frames/period. Maybe
> Foobar has a similar problem.

I tried to debug using some printf and recompiling the JackRouter driver.
It seems the foobar call the driver functions :

nothing more.... (it should call the createbuffers() function)

I don't know why foobar stop here the communication with the driver. I also
took a look to the ASIO DSK, and it seems everything is ok in the
JackRouter driver implementation, in my mind the problem is not about
JackRouter but about the foobar additionnal component that allows to use
ASIO drivers.

So I got a fast looking on how to build a foobar component (to try to build
a component especially for using the JackRouter driver), because the ASIO
component is not open source, but I get compilation errors about symbols
and/or linkings and I don't really know how to solve them.

Furthermore, revolving the foobar problem wouldn't be enough for me as I
NEED to make the driver work for at least one measurement software
(preferably HolmImpulse, but Room EQ Wizard would also make the trick).

>  > - windows media player
> WMP does not support ASIO at all. WMP only works with devices listed in
> the system's Playback devices.

I found an ASIO plugin for windows media player but couldn't make it work,
is it a fake ?!?

> Something to try is using VAC (Virtual Audio Cable) but it's a hassle to
> set up correctly in my experience.

You can send WMP to VAC and then set VAC as the input device in Jack
> control. Through the Jack Connection window (in Jack Control), you can
> then route the "input" (being VAC) to whatever device listed there.
> regards,
> Peter

Well I thought VAC was running an internal clock ? How can it be
synchronised with the sound card sampling rate ?

I am know trying to learn how to build a kernel driver, to try to make a
virtual driver as VAC, but connected to jack server as a client and
transfering data at the same rate as the jack server (so synchronised with
my soundcard).

I downloaded samples about miniaudio drivers, but after comiling them I get
a .sys file, and I don't really know what to do about it. I tried SrvMan
(service manager) to create a service using the .sys file, but when I try
to start the service I get an error that the driver has been blocked and
couldn't be launch.

So I am now trying to use VisualDDK, but I have to create a VirtualMachine
for deployment test, and go back from VStudio 2012-2013 to Vstudio 2010 as
earlier versions are not compatible with VisualDDK.

If someone here is experienced building and testing driver a little help
would be very appreciable for me ;)
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