Re: [Jack-Devel] Jack for windows : ASIO Driver compatiblity

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DateWed, 08 Jan 2014 22:21:10 +0100
From Peter Ginneberge <[hidden] at gmail dot com>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
In-Reply-ToJean Ibarz [Jack-Devel] Jack for windows : ASIO Driver compatiblity
 > Furthermore, ASIO4ALL doesn't show the JackRouter in the soundcard 
list too.

You should try the other way around, select ASIO4ALL as the "interface" 
in Jack control. Note however that using ASIO4ALL will "lock down" your 
soundcard (exclusive mode), meaning you won't be able to use any device 
that doesn't support ASIO while ASIO4ALL is active.

 > - foobar with ASIO plugin (driver JackRouter is listed but when
 > trying to play a song the software cannot use correctly the driver)

Never tried Foobar, so no idea what the problem might be. I know for 
instance that Traktor requires a minimum of 256 frames/period. Maybe 
Foobar has a similar problem.

 > - windows media player

WMP does not support ASIO at all. WMP only works with devices listed in 
the system's Playback devices.

Something to try is using VAC (Virtual Audio Cable) but it's a hassle to 
set up correctly in my experience.

You can send WMP to VAC and then set VAC as the input device in Jack 
control. Through the Jack Connection window (in Jack Control), you can 
then route the "input" (being VAC) to whatever device listed there.


On 8/01/2014 21:16, Jean Ibarz wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I'm a novice programmer, and I'm doing DSP in windows using ASIO VST
> HOST softwares.
> My big problem is to redirect the windows audio output to my VST HOST
> inputs, running the ASIO driver of the soundcard.
> I found that the problem could be bypassed in linux since along time
> ago, but in linux i had getting headaches finding a stable distribution,
> running vst plugins etc.
> In windows everything is simplier, except for audio routing.....
> I tried you jack for windows version, and be able to run the JackRouter
> driver with multiple softwares,  allowing me to route audio to my VST
> HOST and then to jack, which outputs the resulting signal to the output
> of my sound card.
> The problem is that the JackRouter ASIO driver works on a basic ASIO
> host application, on another software called "Console", but not in :
> - foobar with ASIO plugin (driver JackRouter is listed but when trying
> to play a song the software cannot use correctly the driver)
> - windows media player (same I guess)
> - HolmImpulse (the JackRouter driver is not listed)
> Furthermore, ASIO4ALL doesn't show the JackRouter in the soundcard list too.
> I'm sure the JackRouter driver ASIO compatiblity with software could be
> increase to be able to run the driver on near every ASIO software on
> windows, but I don't know how (furthermore I don't know at all how I can
> get access to the JackRouter driver sources).
> I think resolving this problem would be a very very nice improvement,
> and I'm ready to try to work with some of you in this issue.
> Thanks for your interest !
> J. Ibarz
> Jack-Devel mailing list
> [hidden]
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