Re: [Jack-Devel] JackEngine::XRun: client = pure_data_0 was not run: state = 2 JackAudioDriver::ProcessGraphAsyncMaster: Process error

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DateWed, 08 Jan 2014 12:51:12 -0600
From Chris Caudle <[hidden] at chriscaudle dot org>
ToJACK <[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org>
In-Reply-ToAlexandros Drymonitis Re: [Jack-Devel] JackEngine::XRun: client = pure_data_0 was not run: state = 2 JackAudioDriver::ProcessGraphAsyncMaster: Process error
Follow-UpFlorian Paul Schmidt Re: [Jack-Devel] JackEngine::XRun: client = pure_data_0 was not run: state = 2 JackAudioDriver::ProcessGraphAsyncMaster: Process error
Follow-UpAlexandros Drymonitis Re: [Jack-Devel] JackEngine::XRun: client = pure_data_0 was not run: state = 2 JackAudioDriver::ProcessGraphAsyncMaster: Process error
On Wed, January 8, 2014 12:15 pm, Alexandros Drymonitis wrote:
> I also get drop outs with Audacity,

Audacity is known for having a poor jack implementation.

I don't remember if it was this list or Linux audio users, but recently
someone suggested using jack_metro as a quick check.  Start jack, probably
using qjackctl is the easiest way to get everything set and connected
properly, once jack is running start jack_metro (something like jack_metro
-b 105 just starts with a default amplitude and 105 beats per minute), and
use the connection dialog in qjackctl to connect the metronome output to
your system playback ports.
That will tell you within about a minute whether jack is working  OK on
your system.

So far you have only checked with two applications that are both known to
have problems with their jack implementation, so I'm not sure you can make
any conclusions yet about the proper operation of jack, your firewire
drivers, or your system realtime capabilities yet.

Chris Caudle
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