Re: [Jack-Devel] [jack2] jack_port_get_connections() ignores client (#47)

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DateMon, 06 Jan 2014 19:57:03 +0000
From Neil C Smith <[hidden] at neilcsmith dot net>
Tojack-devel <[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org>
Ccjackaudio/jack2 <[hidden] at noreply dot github dot com>, jackaudio/jack2 <[hidden] at reply dot github dot com>
On 6 January 2014 19:33, Pawel <[hidden]> wrote:
> But this is about jack_port_get_all_connections, while falkTX ask for
> jack_port_get_connections.

Yes, I noticed that, and just because jack_port_get_all_connections says -

"You need not be the owner of the port to get information about its

I wouldn't necessarily read that as jack_port_get_connections meaning -

You need *to* be the owner of the port to get information about its connections.

I assumed that meant that jack_port_get_connections doesn't
*guarantee* to provide this information for ports you don't own, not
that it mustn't.

Best wishes,


Neil C Smith
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