[Jack-Devel] Jack Audio

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DateWed, 13 Nov 2013 13:28:46 +0000
From Glenn Lander <[hidden] at gmail dot com>
To[hidden] at jackaudio dot org
Hi, wonder if anyone can help. I have a Windows 8 pc and have downloaded
the Jack software and ran the installation as per the guide.

I'm trying to use the Jack router to connect to Propellorhead Reason
Essentials. When I go into the audio preferences the device isn't listed.
I've re tried this a number of times, rebooted the pc etc but the Jack
router option still doesn't show. I've ran / restarted the Jack Port Audio
and Jack Control but the device still isn't listed.

I had this working successfully on an older Windows 7 pc but no joy with
this one.

Any ideas / help much appreciated.

Kind regards,
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