Re: [Jack-Devel] multiple jack crashes in high-load VOIP environment

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DateFri, 08 Nov 2013 03:10:33 +0100
From Marc Waesche <[hidden] at waesche dot org>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
In-Reply-ToStéphane Letz Re: [Jack-Devel] multiple jack crashes in high-load VOIP environment
Hi Stéphane!

Am 07.11.2013 08:08, schrieb Stéphane Letz:
> Well: having a 5 JACK clients model to handle *one* phone call is 
> probably not the more efficient way to do… I understand that you are 
> re-using standard components, but well, it could be interesting to 
> re-think the whole approach a bit no?

Our application connects a web user (browser with flash applet as 
interface) with a phone called person. What the person at the phone is 
saying is received by asterisk, overgiven to wowza and from there 
streamed to the web user's browser. On the other hand side the web user 
can click on buttons on the website to play back audio clips on the 
server. The started audio clips are streamed via SIP to the person at 
the phone and also streamed to the web user so that he can hear what he 
clicked on. And the audio stream from the SIP line must be mixed with 
the audio streams from the started audio clips before they are streamed 
to the web user. Okay, sounds a bit confused. Other point of view: The 
web user hears the started audio clip AND what the person at the phone 
is saying. And the person at the phone ONLY hears the audio clips 
started be the web user.

Best regards
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1383876637.17977_0.ltw:2,a <527C4819.7060400 at waesche dot org>