[Jack-Devel] multiple jack crashes in high-load VOIP environment

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DateMon, 04 Nov 2013 03:35:27 +0100
From Marc Waesche <[hidden] at waesche dot org>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
Follow-UpStéphane Letz Re: [Jack-Devel] multiple jack crashes in high-load VOIP environment
Hi devs,

first of all let us express our gratitude to such a great tool like jackd!

One of our IT projects uses jackd in a high-load VoIP-environment, to 
transfer and mix audiostreams from an asterisk pbx server to a wowza 
flash media server. But we're currently experiencing problems with 
jackd, unfortunately. The issues:

- creating new jack ports failes
- massive XRuns
- jackd crashes unconditionally
- jack_lsp throws errors, unconditionally

Some of the error messages are:

    jack_lsp: no process found

    JackEngine::XRun: client = .... was not finished, state = Triggered
    JackAudioDriver::ProcessGraphAsyncMaster: Process error
    CheckRes error
    Could not write notification
    ClientNotify fails name = ....  notification = 1 val1 = 0 val2 = 0

ffmpeg client:
    JACK xrun
    Cannot open ....  client
    [jack @ 0x2dde120] Unable to register as a JACK client

Of course, jackd was being started before. Further information:

- Cmdline: /usr/bin/jackd -R -p 512 -d dummy -C0 -P0 -p 320 -r 16000
- All servers are on the same machine
- Concurrent Streams: up to 100 (but the problems occurs with even a few
streams like 5 or 10)
- we do not use jackdbus
- jackd is started by root

Our internal process:

Asterisk is originating a call (by using a callfile) and will create two 
jack ports for incoming and outgoing audio. At the same time, ffmpeg is 
being started, creating an input jack port and sending all audio out to 
the wowza flash server using the rtmp protocol. Now both ports 
(asterisk/out and ffmpeg/in) are being connected using jack_connect. 
During this session, mplayer playes wav-files to tho asterisk/in port.

One problem is that we need to start ffmpeg in the brackground, so we 
have to wait some seconds before calling jack_connect, because the jack 
port created by ffmpeg might not to be "ready" at this time. Our current 
-not very intelligent- solution ist to call jack_lsp in intervals to 
find out, when the port is available.

But it seems to me, that jack_lsp does not always return the list of 
jack ports, and even, in some cases, crashes the jackd daemon. Could it 
be a multithreading-issue, or a kind of race-condition that leads to the 

Other issues we run into are the masssive xruns. Is it possible that 
Wowza (java software) is interfering the realtime jackd processes by 
acquiring too many CPU ressources? I've never seen Wowza in a "critical 
state", even when the xruns occur.

One last thing to mention:
Fighting the xruns, I've tried to increase the period parameter, 
expecting higher latencies. Now there were no more xruns, but the 
audiostream was scattered/staccato.

For every help to solve (or localize) the described problems we are 
very, very thankful because we work for over a year now at this server 
solution and did not awaite such a technical problem at the end of the 
development. That problems became recognizable when we did our last 
tests after finishing the development. (okay, we THOUGHT we finished the 
development work ;)

Best regards from Germany
Andreas Born & Marc Waesche
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