[Jack-Devel] adding gtkiostream to jackaudio.org/applications

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DateWed, 30 Oct 2013 10:40:04 +1100
From Matt Flax <[hidden] at flatmax dot org>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
Follow-UpPaul Davis Re: [Jack-Devel] adding gtkiostream to jackaudio.org/applications
Hi there,

I am not sure who maintains the web pages, however could gtkiostream be 
added to the "Programming Libraries" section please ?

Here is the software web page :

Here is a blurb :
GTKIOStream has a JackClient C++ class which trivialises Jack client 
connections, to use simply include  the JackClient.H header file and 
inherit the JackClient class. GTKIOStream has many other tools for DSP, 
Audio Masking, FFTs, plotting data, building GUIs using GTK and various 
other features.

Here is the gtkiostream API :

Here is the JackClient API :

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