Re: [Jack-Devel] JACK on mobile

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DateMon, 21 Oct 2013 23:42:53 +1100
From Patrick Shirkey <[hidden] at boosthardware dot com>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
In-Reply-To[hidden] at trellis dot ch Re: [Jack-Devel] JACK on mobile
Follow-UpPaul Davis Re: [Jack-Devel] JACK on mobile
Follow-UpJoakim Hernberg Re: [Jack-Devel] JACK on mobile
Follow-UpTim E. Real Re: [Jack-Devel] [Bulk] Re: JACK on mobile
On Mon, October 21, 2013 10:57 pm, [hidden] wrote:
>> On 10/20/2013 03:02 PM, Paul Davis wrote:
>>> On Sun, Oct 20, 2013 at 1:11 AM, Tim E. Real <[hidden]
>>> <mailto:[hidden]>> wrote:
>>>     LOL The phone accidentally rings during a live gig through an amp
>>> stack.
>>>     "Uh, hello? Yes dear, I'll bring home some milk and bread!"
>>> they still pay musicians enough for that?
>> obviously, the spouse calls to remind the artist to pilfer those items
>> from catering. it's just a euphemism for "stale coke and mars bars".
> JACK on mobile - mobile must not necessarily be a phone. It could be any
> small & mobile (embedded?) device. The thing with the phone is just that
> many have it at hand.
> One of the use-cases where JACK could make sense on mobile devices is to
> have a way to monitor audio anywhere in the graph remotely with low
> latency. That would include a nicely working netjack or similar setup.
> JACK just on the phone without any outside connections is not so
> interesting IMHO.
> The mobile is also a handy controller for anything on the 'big' machines,
> but for that, no JACK is used.

Ok, so the consensus appears to be that JACK developers have no interest
in seeing JACK actually run on mobile OS's (phone/tablet/etc...) and that
it is considered a waste of time to put any effort into making it

Is that correct?

Should I go back to the people who have opened the door to JACK as a
default component of the Mobile Audio Stack (excluding Android and iOS)
and tell them that?

Should I tell the people at the Linux Foundation that even if they are
interested in supporting the development process that none of the JACK
Developers are interested in taking part?

Are we therefore expecting users who want to run JACK apps or developers
who want to develop JACK apps to only run desktop systems or Linux
embedded systems on devices like the Raspberry PI and that developers
should simply ignore the absolutely massive global mobile market place?

In other words if someone wants to run JACK on a mobile device they are on
there own and will not garner any interest from JACK Developers?

The over all consensus is that JACK is not useful or even needed on mobile
devices. For example if I were to get it running on my Quad core ARM
tablet with 2GB of onboard RAM, built in SD and onboard sound device it
would be a futile and pointless waste of time because those kind of
resources have no value in a JACK'd system? Or that running JACK on a
brand new Intel Haswell  (16nm die) tablet made by Samsung running Tizen
(sponsored by the Linux Foundation) is going to be a waste of time
because, because, because... um , well because someones girlfriend might
call them while they are performing and obviously we wouldn't think of
making it possible for this performer to disable calls while they are
using their high powered Ubuntu Phone as a realtime FX box or god forbid
they have a tablet that doesn't even have GSM capabilities in the first
place and can't be used as a cellphone?

Is that the correct assessment of interest from JACK developers in getting
JACK to run on Mobile platforms that already support PA by default?

I smell a big whiff os BS in the air. Either that or JACK developers are
complete idiots and have no idea what they are doing. I was under the
impression that it was not the latter but maybe I am actually wrong about

Patrick Shirkey
Boost Hardware Ltd
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