[Jack-Devel] JACK port's type field

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DateMon, 21 Oct 2013 18:57:18 +0800
From sqweek <[hidden] at gmail dot com>
ToJACK <[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org>
Hi guys,

 I'm looking at a bug in PortAudio's jack backend - when creating its
device list, it includes Jack MIDI ports as audio channels.

 I can see from the docs that I can pass JACK_DEFAULT_AUDIO_TYPE as the
type parameter to jack_get_ports() to retrieve a list sans midi ports.
However, this will also filter out all other port types, which I'm not sure
is desirable.

 So my question is, what is the intended purpose of the port's type? Is it
reasonable to expect that all ports supporting audio streams will have type

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