Re: [Jack-Devel] JACK on mobile

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DateWed, 16 Oct 2013 10:07:43 -0700
From Bradley Justice <[hidden] at gmail dot com>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
Follow-UpChristian Schoenebeck Re: [Jack-Devel] JACK on mobile
Follow-UpDan MacDonald Re: [Jack-Devel] JACK on mobile
Follow-UpDominique Michel Re: [Jack-Devel] JACK on mobile
Very interesting comments on pro audio and mobile platforms, lots here to

I have been looking at Android as a platform for pro audio applications. I
am also convinced that true low latency audio on mainstream Android is not
an achievable goal. Google priorities, e.g. maintaining call quality and
low power consumption, render it so. What is achievable is the more modest
goal of an Android distribution specifically instrumented for pro audio
applications. This is still a worthy goal, especially if you consider
Android as an embedded system that can run on a low cost dedicated device.

I have a functional prototype of a pro audio Android distribution running
on the Nexus 7. At the end of round 1 of the latency wars I am reliably
running Simple Client using USB audio at 96k with buffers set at 512 X 2.
To accomplish this, JACK and its clients run in native space directly on
top of ALSA with client user interfaces running as standard Java Android
activities. I am currently finishing up work on client installation and
configuration; I hope to return to the latency issue soon. There are
approaches I have yet to explore, such as application of the real-time

This work highlights the critical difference between Android and iOS: with
iOS you are restricted to what Apple decides to provide in terms of
hardware and system software. With Android, if there is a problem that
needs corrected, such as audio drivers, you have the ability to do so.

I do have a question regarding iOS and audio latency. Does anyone on this
list have reliable metrics? I have seen some low figures reported on
Internet postings. However, figures I have encountered from individuals who
actually measured it seem out of range for pro audio.

Brad Justice
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