Re: [Jack-Devel] major change in jack1 MIDI handling

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DateSat, 12 Oct 2013 19:41:11 +0300
From Nedko Arnaudov <[hidden] at arnaudov dot name>
ToJACK <[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org>
In-Reply-ToChristian Schoenebeck Re: [Jack-Devel] major change in jack1 MIDI handling
Follow-UpPaul Davis Re: [Jack-Devel] major change in jack1 MIDI handling
Follow-UpChristian Schoenebeck Re: [Jack-Devel] major change in jack1 MIDI handling
Hash: SHA1

>> That said, I am not particularly interested in maintaining Jack1 either,
>> but would like to move forward with a new implementation that attempts to
>> combine the best of both worlds. I have no idea if I (or anyone else) will
>> find the time to do this. The idea would be to code something in C++,
> Right, then we would have a 3rd concurrent JACK server implementation and a 
> 3rd developer camp fighting with each other, because of certain JACK1 
> developers' desire to stick with C. ;-) So it might probably not even solve 
> the overall situation, because the main problem currently is the missing 
> willingness to find a consensus.

I for sure would prefer a plain C version (with "proper" object oriented
design, of course). With C++ silly attempts to mature/catch/improve, I
doubt it will be any stable and prevailing "proper" C++ approach before
2020, maybe even later. The only consensus is that both jack1 and jack2
are open source and anyone is free to fork. Or to *properly* design &
implement from scratch a new jack or jack-like system! :)

What really matters is the code and fixes developers contribute. There
is no ubiquitous single jack leadership, like it or not. We curently
have two persons acting as jack leaders. They don't really fight each
other but they have some really strong differences. And more
importantly, we have two codebases that are not going to vanish anytime
soon. Other contributors may differ, but to me neither jack1 nor jack2
are inspiring. To me fighting between open source projects and
developers makes absolutely no sense. We are supposed to be
collaborating instead. Maybe the consensus is that there are very few
[potential] jack contributors and this makes diversity look like fight
for something limited.
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