Re: [Jack-Devel] major change in jack1 MIDI handling

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DateSat, 12 Oct 2013 11:32:43 -0400
From Paul Davis <[hidden] at linuxaudiosystems dot com>
ToChristian Schoenebeck <[hidden] at crudebyte dot com>
CcJACK <[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org>
In-Reply-ToChristian Schoenebeck Re: [Jack-Devel] major change in jack1 MIDI handling
On Sat, Oct 12, 2013 at 11:07 AM, Christian Schoenebeck <
[hidden]> wrote:

> However nowadays, since also ARM and even microcontroller units provide
> multi
> cores, the async mode becomes more and more beneficial and important than
> the
> sync mode anyway.

That depends on who or what you consider the primary "market" for JACK to
be. And to repeat what I have to repeat over and over (almost as often as
Stephane correcting my mistakes about Jack2 :), Jack2's multicore support
(except in the "exp" branch of some time ago) only provides benefits with
parallel data flow. We have have no way to know how many users of JACK ever
have parallel data flow, but it is easy to guess that there are many
working setups that never, ever see this. Having real numbers would help a

> Are there bug reports for these dead locks? I am on #jack on IRC 24/7 and
> have not seen reports of deadlocks or lower CPU idle load for years, if
> ever. Deadlocks were a problem with Tschak, which is why it did not land.

The last dead lock fix for JACK1 was commited by you 6 days ago:
> However I have to add that this particular example is a bit unfair, since
> this
> particular code part is not protected in JACK2 by lock guard's either yet.

Precisely. And sure, I'm very well aware of the benefits of C++ for this
sort of thing.

I was not referring to implementation details. I totally agree that the
> code base could be simplified significantly. However the point is, bringing
> JACK2 to some point which would be acceptable for you as well, could be
> achieved in reasonable time (requiring that there are no emotional causes
> involved). However the other way around is impossible. Because you will
> never
> achieve the same quality on C level. And it is not like Stéphane or other
> "JACK2 developers" were closed-minded to compromises. ;-)

I'm not interested in pushing Jack1 as "the future", I said that. But I'm
also not interested in Jack2 as the direct antecedent of "the future JACK".
I have no desire to impose my coding style on Stephane's work (he is
entitled to his own style, which is perfectly fine for those for whom it is
perfectly fine).

The work I am doing on Jack1 right now is because I *can* and because I
don't want to see silly API extensions added. I want to find out what the
operational issues are, for example, in a version of JACK where the UUID
becomes the primary identifier for all objects, and maybe even where the
concept of a "name" as anything other than loosely attached metadata goes
away. I can do that VERY quickly with Jack1, but *I* can't do that quickly
with Jack2. And I am also working quite hard to not break API or ABI

> Actually I watched for a long time how Stéphane and others worked hard for
> this C++ implementation of JACK to become adopted. And it was always just
> neglected by people because of ideological reasons (C-only, code style,
> copyright).

This just isn't true.

"JACK2 is Ok, but not yet what I want" as reason to totally ignore it, ...
> how
> could there ever be a joint community ever again with that attitude?

There hasn't been a joint community for years. There is no animosity
between Stephane and myself  (or even between Torben and Stephane) - we
just agree that we don't want to work on each other's code. And I'm not
sure that "totally ignore" it adequately captures my attitude towards
Jack2. I have to deal with Jack2 every day both as a user and a  person
dealing with Ardour user support. I admire a lot of the ideas in Jack2 and
I pay attention to changes it undergoes.

> > That said, I am not particularly interested in maintaining Jack1 either,
> > but would like to move forward with a new implementation that attempts to
> > combine the best of both worlds. I have no idea if I (or anyone else)
> will
> > find the time to do this. The idea would be to code something in C++,
> Right, then we would have a 3rd concurrent JACK server implementation and a
> 3rd developer camp fighting with each other, because of certain JACK1
> developers' desire to stick with C. ;-) So it might probably not even solve
> the overall situation, because the main problem currently is the missing
> willingness to find a consensus.

Jack O'Quinn is the only JACK developer who made much of a issue about
sticking with C. He has not been active in JACK development for many years,
and Jack1 would remain in existence in the event of a new C++
implementation anyway.

> > My recent work on Jack1 was triggered by the "threat" that an overly
> > specific new API would get added to JACK2 in spite of years of calling
> for
> > a more generic approach (metadata). There have been discussions for
> several
> > years about a metadata API for JACK, and significant discussion on IRC
> from
> > time to time. An API for this has now been implemented (which also covers
> That explains why you added this API, but not why you added it to JACK1.
> ;-)
> Just kidding. However if I saw it correctly, this new API still does not
> provide a way to associate data (like an application icon) to a jack
> client.

You did not see it correctly.

       char* icon_string = encode_image_as_base_64 (png_data);
       jack_set_property (jack_get_uuid_for_client_name (client_name),
JACK_METADATA_ICON_SMALL, icon_string, "image/png;base64");


      char* icon_string;
      char* type;
      char* png_data;

      if (jack_get_property (jack_get_uuid_for_client_name (client_name),
JACK_METADATA_ICON_SMALL, &icon_string, &type) == 0) {
                if (type && strcmp (type, "image/png;base64") == 0) {
                          png_data = decode_image_as_base_64 (icon_string);
                jack_free (icon_string);
                if (type) {
                    jack_free (type);

I doubt that JACK1 will vanish that soon. I have the impression that your

I don't want it to live a moment longer than it needs to.

> opinion is such influential in the community, that it would prevent that.
> And
> often misinformations are spread about JACK2 (like just seen today), which
> also explains why many people continue using JACK1.
> However the situation is very exhausting for both developers and end users,
> and I hope that you probably use your influence to find some consensus
> among

I tried this. We tried this a couple of years ago. There is no consensus.

> this split camp in future. Because fact is, the overall situation is very
> stuck right now.

It isn't stuck. It is just inefficient and wasteful.

And it's just getting worse day by day. Now we might even get
> two completely different API sets soon.

That is something I will not permit to happen, if I have any influence over
things at all.

I have no problem with "weak-linked" optional new API (except that our
approach to this turns out to be totally broken for most cases on Linux,
and impossible on windows).
I have no problem with N different implementations.

But forking the JACK API in ways that affect the core ... it needs to be
called something else. Not that I wouldn't like to, given my understanding
of how big a mistake we made using names as identifiers.
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