[Jack-Devel] Questions about Jack2 and the Haiku port

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DateWed, 09 Oct 2013 16:25:59 +0200
From Dario Casalinuovo <[hidden] at gmail dot com>
To[hidden] at jackaudio dot org
Hello, i used some free time to get more into jack2. I have a roadmap
of what i have to do for a initial port, such as implementing the
needed classes to use native implementations of Haiku threads,
semaphores, and shared memory. Studying the various implementations i
have also some plans about the implementation of a HaikuDriver using a
BMediaNode as backend. media_nodes are the objects used to send audio
buffers to the media_server, the system daemon used for audio/video
playback and capture. Media_nodes are similar to Jack's clients, but
they are designed to allow various type of media.

Anyway, some parts of jack continue to be obscure to me, and i have
some questions to ask, so that i can compile a more detailed roadmap
for the work.

My first doubt is about JackAudioAdapter, what is briefly the purpose
of this class?

The second question is about how you suggest to implement some sort of
routing between the media_server and the jack2 racks. Basically my
ideal vision for the port are the jack clients showing up in the
media_server as Haiku nodes and respectively..nodes showing up as
jack_clients. Can you give me some hints about how to it should be
implemented? My first ideas was to create a daemon or a media_server
addon which automatically create mirroring clients/nodes monitoring
what happens. The second idea was to implement it directly into the
driver. Naturally i think of it as a second part of the porting, and
the first goal is to have the system_mixer working.

Another problem i have is relating the buildsystem, in the current
branch i've added Haiku without breaking other platforms,
unfortunately i had to define the platform explicitly since waf is not
recognizing the Haiku system :


How can i fix it?
I would appreciate if you can give me some advices, so that i can
start with a an effective plan...

Best Regards
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