[Jack-Devel] JACK1 master branch updated, new APIs, fixes

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DateSun, 06 Oct 2013 11:49:17 -0400
From Paul Davis <[hidden] at linuxaudiosystems dot com>
ToJACK <[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org>
Follow-UpFilipe Coelho Re: [Jack-Devel] JACK1 master branch updated, new APIs, fixes
I have merged the UUID branch of JACK1 with master. It contains the
following changes:

* attempting to reset the ALSA driver with parameters that fail is now
followed by
     reverting to the last used working parameters, rather than failure

* the watchdog thread has been removed. In theory this allows JACK clients
to steal all
     the CPU but modern Linux now prevents this itself and OS X always has.

* the new metadata API has landed, which resulted in two minor changes
     in the JACK API used for internal clients (when I say minor, I mean
that it is
     unlikely that any code other than JACK's own jack_load and jack_unload
     has ever used it). See man jack_property for some details and
     for the rest.

* jackd now accepts -I <name> to load internal clients on the command line

* a new internal client, "alsa_midi", is provided that offers the
functionality of
     a2jmidid -e but that can now be started directly via jackd -I
alsa_midi instead
     of requiring a separate process to be started and managed. I plan to
     two such clients soon, alsaseqmidi, which will be the new name for the
     one, and alsarawmidi which will share code with the equivalent module
in Jack2.

* the version has been bumped to 0.124.0.

A large number of clients have been tested with the new version, and other
than the changes in the internal client API mentioned above, this new
version is ABI (binary) compatible with them (no recompilation is required
to continue using them). These include Ardour, flash support library,
GStreamer JACK support, xmms/audacious/beep JACK support, Hydrogen,
Pianoteq, qjackctl, patchage and more.

I have a large patch for qjackctl in preparation which will enable it to
use the metadata API.

Feedback is eagerly sought, and so I have made a tarball version of the
current state of things for those who find git too intimidating. This is
NOT a release at this point!


There is some reasonable that more JACK1 development will occur in the near

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